SKU: 1599 Category: Brand:

Baltra BTH 125 Flame Quartz Room Heater


  • Baltra
Model Name
  • Flame
Model Number
  • BTH125
  • Quartz
  • White

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You can keep the bedroom, living room, or any other space in your home well-heated during winters with the Baltra Flame 800 W Quartz Heater. It can operate at two different power consumption levels, 400 W and 800 W, thanks to its dual heating modes. In addition, this room heater can be held easily with its cool-touch casing, which eliminates the risk of burning your hands. Moreover, as this room heater can withstand extreme temperatures, it provides a safe and effective performance.
Cool-touch Cabinet

Courtesy of its cool-touch housing, this room heater lets you hold it comfortably, eliminating the need to worry about accidentally burning your hands.

Resistant to High Temperatures

As this room heater’s external casing is resistant to high temperatures, it does not get extremely heated up. Moreover courtesy of its tip-over safety switch, this room heater shuts off automatically, in case it falls over thereby, offering optimal safety.

Hot Air Circulation

Sporting an air vent, this room heater ensures adequate distribution of heat across the room.


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